Microsoft word 2016 header different on each page free download.Requirements for Japanese Text Layout 日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版)
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Microsoft word 2016 header different on each page free downloadExcel tips and tricks for efficient data analysis - Microsoft word 2016 header different on each page free download
Microsoft word 2016 header different on each page free download.Edit your existing headers and footers
Follow these step-by-step instructions. Headers and footers are easy to implement as long as the same text appears on every page in your document.
Beyond the basics, this feature often confuses users. The key to working successfully with headers and footers is this: headers and footers belong to sections, not the document or individual pages, and a document can have a unique header or footer for every section.
When you need a different header of footer, the first step is to enter a section break as follows:. Where to put the section break might cause some confusion. For example, if you want the new header to begin on page 4, insert the Next Page section break at the bottom of page 3 see the next figure. After adding a section break, you need to break the link between the previous section and the newly added section, as follows:.
Also, notice that the Link To Previous option is dimmed. Office Tech Pro Research. Simply change the text, field, or object as you normally would. Accommodating section breaks is much easier if you can see them. From the article 10 things you should never do in Word by Susan Harkins:.
Let Word decide: Word is full of defaults that are adequate in most circumstances. Fortunately, Word lets you take the wheel if you want to. The Excel Data Model is an approach for building relational data sources in Excel.
This is applicable for Excel or later. These are the steps in Excel or later: 1. Insert all the desired fields for the PivotTable Row fields, Columns fields, and values fields. Quickly visualize trends with sparklines Sparklines are a visualization feature of MS Excel that allow you to quickly visualize the overall trend of a set of values.
Sparklines are mini-graphs located inside of cells. An easy way of quickly teasing out the information is by using Sparklines, as shown below. Looks great, right? To create the sparklines, follow these steps: 1. Click on the range selection button to browse for the location of the sparklines, press Enter and click OK.
Make sure you select a location that is proportional to the data source. For example, if the data source range contains 6 rows then the location of the sparkline must contain 6 rows. If you want to format the sparkline you can do so by following these steps: To change the color of markers: 1. Click on any cell within the sparkline to show the Sparkline Tools menu. In the Sparkline tools menu, go to Marker Color and change the color for the specific markers you want.
a Example: High points on green, Low points on red, and the remaining in blue. To change the width of the lines: 1. Create dynamic titles in charts use of cell references within chart objects Have you ever wanted to automatically change the title of a chart based on a reference? A regular PivotChart would look like this: In the PivotChart above, the title of the chart will remain the same regardless of the product selection. However, it would be best if the title changes when the product selection changes in the slicer.
For example, if the user selects Product D, then the title of the chart would be: Product D Sales; if the selection is Product C, then the title of the chart would be: Product C Sales. In order to create the dynamic title, follow these steps: 1. Enter a formula in any cell to create the title. In this specific example, I created a formula in cell G1 to point to the report filter of the PivotTable: 2.
Click on the title of the chart. Now every time you change the report filter your chart title will change. Dealing with empty cells in charts and sparklines [use na ] Have you ever experienced this? In scenario B, I typed zero 0 in the months without data and then Excel shows zero sales. An alternative approach would be to draw a line connecting the points with information. In order to accomplish this, you can fill the empty cells with NA.
Save time with quick analysis One of the major improvements introduced back in Excel was the Quick Analysis feature. This feature allows you to quickly create graphs, sparklines, PivotTables, PivotCharts, and summary functions by just clicking on a button. If you go to Totals, you can quickly insert a row with the average for each column: If you click on Sparklines, you can quickly insert Sparklines: As you can see, the Quick Analysis feature really allows you to quickly perform different visualizations and analysis with almost no effort.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Excel has many more features to help you perform data analysis tasks more efficiently. Whether you need to visualize complex data or organize disparate numbers, Excel is the perfect tool to get your data in order. This article originally appeared here. Republished with permission. Submit your copyright complaints here. Orlando Mezquita is certified as Microsoft Office Specialist Expert in MS Excel , , and Each character class has its own character class number in parentheses.
Character Classes 文字クラス一覧 , except for CJK Ideographs. The formal title of the frequently mentioned Japanese Industrial Standard JIS X is as follows:.
この文書でよく参照している JIS X の名称 は,以下である.. JIS X : 日本語文書の組版方法( Formatting rules for Japanese documents ). Japanese letters used for composing Japanese text mainly consist of ideographic cl , hiragana cl and katakana cl characters see Figure 1. 日本語組版に使用する 和文文字 では,主に 漢字等(cl) , 平仮名(cl) 及び 片仮名(cl) を使用する( Figure 1 ).. In this document these characters are classified into character classes, for which explanations are given describing their behavior in type-setting.
日本語組版には, 漢字等(cl) , 平仮名(cl) 及び 片仮名(cl) 以外に,多くの 約物 類を使用する( Figure 2 ).その他に, アラビア数字 ,ラテン文字,ギリシャ文字などの 欧文用文字(cl) を混用する場合がある.この文書では,日本語組版で使用する文字について組版上の振る舞いから 文字クラス として分類し,解説する.. Ideographic cl , hiragana cl and katakana cl characters are the same size, and have square character frames of equal dimensions.
Aligned with the vertical and horizontal center of the character frame, there is a smaller box called the letter face , which contains the actual symbol. Character size is measured by the size of the character frame see Figure 3. By definition, it is equal to the "width" of a character in horizontal writing mode , whereas it is the height of a character in vertical writing mode see Figure 3. 漢字等(cl) , 平仮名(cl) 及び 片仮名(cl) は,正方形の文字の 外枠 を持っており,その 文字の外枠 の天地左右中央に,文字の外枠よりやや小さくした 字面 を持っている(逆にいえば,字面の上下左右と文字の外枠との間には,字面により大きさは異なるが,若干の空白を持っている). 文字サイズ は,この文字の外枠のサイズで示す( Figure 3 ).なお, 字幅 は,文字を配列する方向( 字詰め方向 )の文字の外枠の大きさをいい, 横組 では文字の幅となるが, 縦組 では文字の高さとなる( Figure 3 ). 漢字等(cl) , 平仮名(cl) 及び 片仮名(cl) の外枠は正方形なので,その字幅は 全角 となる..
In vertical writing mode, the letter face of small kana cl characters ぁぃぅァィゥ etc. is placed at the vertical center and to the right of the horizontal center of the character frame ; in horizontal writing mode, it is placed at the horizontal center and below the vertical center see Figure 4.
Also there are punctuation marks with letter faces that are not placed at the vertical and horizontal center of the character frame. 小書きの仮名(cl) (ぁぃぅァィゥなど)は,縦組では文字の外枠の天地中央で右寄り,横組では文字の外枠の左右中央で下寄りに字面を配置する( Figure 4 ).また, 約物 などでは,文字の外枠の天地左右中央に配置しない例がある.. In principle, when composing a line with ideographic cl , hiragana cl and katakana cl characters no extra spacing appears between their character frame.
This is called solid setting see Figure 5. 漢字等(cl) , 平仮名(cl) 及び 片仮名(cl) は,行に文字を配置していく際には,原則として,文字の外枠を密着させて配置する ベタ組 にする( Figure 5 ).. In the letterpress printing era ideographic cl , hiragana cl and katakana cl characters were designed so that they were easy to read in solid setting , regardless of text direction.
However, unlike the letterpress printing era, when several sizes of the original pattern of a letter were required to create matrices , in today's digital era the same original pattern is used for any size simply by enlargement or reduction.
Because of this, it might be necessary to adjust the inter-character spacing when composing lines at large character sizes.
When composing lines at small character sizes, hinting data is used to ensure that the width of the strokes that make up a character look correct.
活字組版 の時代から 漢字等(cl) , 平仮名(cl) 及び 片仮名(cl) の設計は,縦組でも横組でも読みやすく,かつ, ベタ組 とした場合に読みやすいように設計されていた.ただし,活字組版では,文字サイズ別に何段階かに分けて 原図 ( 母型 の元になるもの)を作成していた.しかし,今日では,同一の原図から単純に拡大・縮小して使用するので,大きな文字サイズにした際には, 字間 の調整が必要になる場合も出てきた.(なお,小さい文字サイズにする場合,そのまま縮小すると,解像度によっては文字の線幅にバラツキが出る.そこで各文字ごとに線幅の補正情報( ヒントデータ )を持たせ,出力品質の維持がはかられている.). Depending on the context, there are several setting methods used in addition to solid setting , as shown below.
次のように ベタ組にしない方法 も,印刷物の内容によっては採用されている.. Fixed inter-character spacing: Text set with a fixed size spacing between each character frame see Figure 6. アキ組 :字間に一定の空き量を入れて文字を配置する方法( Figure 6 ).. Fixed inter-character spacing is used in books for the following cases: Fixed inter-character spacing, including also even tsumegumi , is defined in JIS X , sec.
書籍における アキ組 は,次のような場合に利用されている.(アキ組については, 均等詰め を含めてJIS X の4. To achieve a balance between running heads with few and with many characters. Fixed inter-character spacing is used for the running heads with few characters. Examples of fixed inter-character spacing for running heads are given in JIS X , annex 5. 字数の少ない 柱 と字数の多い柱とのバランスをとるために,字数の少ない柱をアキ組にする. 柱のアキ組の例 は,JIS X の附属書5に掲げられている.. To achieve a balance between headings with few and with many characters. Fixed inter-character spacing is used for the headings with few characters.
Examples of fixed inter-character spacing for headings are given in JIS X , annex 6. 字数の少ない見出しと字数の多い 見出し とのバランスをとるために,字数の少ない見出しをアキ組にする. 見出しのアキ組の例 は,JIS X の附属書6に掲げられている.. For captions of illustrations and tables , which only have a few characters. Fixed inter-character spacing is used to balance with the size of the illustration or table. 図版 や 表 の キャプション の字数が少ない場合に,図版や表のサイズとバランスをとるためにアキ組にする.. In some cases, fixed inter-character spacing is used for Chinese and Japanese poetry where one line has only a few characters.
Even inter-character spacing : Text set with equal inter-character spacing between characters on a given line, so that each line is aligned to the same line head and line end see Figure 7.
均等割り :字間を均等に空け,文字列の両端を行頭及び行末にそろえる方法( Figure 7 ).. Even inter-character spacing setting is used in books for unifying the length of table headings with Japanese text see Figure 8. There are also examples e. lists of names in which parts of a person names receive inter-character spacing. Even inter-character spacing , including processing of jidori , is defined in JIS X , sec. 書籍における 均等割り は,表の和文の項目見出しの長さをそろえる場合に利用されている( Figure 8 ).また,名簿などで人名の部分で均等割りにする例がある.(均等割りについては, 字取り 処理を含めてJIS X の4.
This is divided further into two types, depending on the methods used for inter-character spacing reduction. One method involves reducing by the same amount of inter-character spacing even tsumegumi or tracking, see Figure 9 and the other involves determining the amount of spacing to reduce based on the distance between the two letter faces of adjacent characters face tsumegumi or letter face kerning, see Figure 詰め組 :ベタ組より字間を詰めて,文字の外枠の一部が重なるように文字を配置する方法.この場合,重なる量を同一にする方法( 均等詰め , Figure 9 )と,仮名や約物等の字面に応じて,字面が重ならない程度まで詰めて文字を配置する方法( 字面詰め , Figure 10 )がある..
In the main text of books, the most reader-friendly approach is to use solid setting. However, if the character size is larger, the distance between characters may become unbalanced, and tsumegumi will be applied. For example, there are books where tsumegumi is used with headings set in large character sizes.
These methods are rarely used in books, since ease of reading is very important, but in magazines or advertisements there are many more examples of tsumegumi. Magazines tend to use type to differentiate themselves from others, and so devices like this are sometimes used for that purpose. 詰め組 は,書籍では大きな文字サイズの見出し等で採用されている例がある.字と字との間隔について, 本文 では ベタ組 が最も読みやすい.しかし,そのまま拡大した場合には,大きな文字サイズになった場合,字と字との間隔の見え方について,ややバランスを欠く例もあり,採用されている.また,読みやすさを重視する書籍の本文で採用している例は少ないが,雑誌の本文や広告のコピー等では,詰め組を採用している例がある.誌面構成のデザインを重視,文字部分をまとまったものとして演出したいということであろう..
The page format of a Japanese document is specified by:. 日本語文書の 組体裁 は,以下の順序で設計する.. Firstly, preparing a template of the page format, which determines the basic appearance of pages of the document;. Then, specifying the details of actual page elements based on the templates.
次に,それを基準として文書の実際の ページ 設計を行う.. Generally, books use only one template for page format , whereas magazines often use several templates. 基本となる 組体裁 は,書籍では1パターンであることが多いが,雑誌では一般に数パターンを作成する..
For example, the table of contents may contain small modifications. Furthermore, there are many examples of indexes with a different page format than the basic page format, and vertically set books often have indexes in horizontal writing mode and sometimes multiple columns. This still holds true where the goal is to make the size of the hanmen for indexes close to the size of hanmen in the basic page format.
Magazines gather articles of different kinds. Often the page format will differ depending on the content of the article. For example, one part may have 9 point character size and 3 columns, and another part 8 point character size and 4 columns. The following are the basic elements of a page format. Figure 11 illustrates an example of a page format in vertical writing mode.
基本となる組体裁の主な設計要素としては,次がある(縦組の例を Figure 11 に示す).. Trim size and binding side vertically set Japanese documents are bound on the right-hand side , and horizontally set documents are bound on the left-hand side. See Figure 仕上りサイズ と綴じる側( Figure 12 ,日本語文書では一般に縦組では 右綴じ ,横組では 左綴じ ). Principal text direction vertical writing mode or horizontal writing mode. 基本となる 組方向 (縦組又は横組). Appearance of the kihon-hanmen and its position relative to the trim size. Appearance of running heads and page numbers , and their positions relative to the trim size and kihon-hanmen.
柱 と ノンブル の体裁. The kihon-hanmen is the hanmen style designed as the basis of a book. The following are the basic elements of the kihon-hanmen see Figure 本の基本として設計される版面体裁が 基本版面 である.基本版面の設計要素としては,次がある( Figure 13 ).. Character size and typeface name. 使用する 文字サイズ 及びフォント名. Text direction vertical writing mode or horizontal writing mode. Number of columns and column gap when using multi-column format.
段組 の場合は, 段数 及び 段間. Length of a line. Number of lines per page number of lines per column when using multi-column format. To understand the characteristics of Japanese composition, it is important to understand how the various elements of the kihon-hanmen are applied to a real page.
The normative definition of kihon-hanmen is provided in JIS X , sec. Format examples including running heads and page numbers and composition examples for kihon-hanmen in different trim sizes are available in JIS X , annexes 3 and 4.
仕上りサイズ 別の 基本版面の設計例(柱及びノンブルの設計例も含く)及び組版例 が,JIS X の附属書3及び附属書4に掲げられているので参考になる.. Depending on the application, character sizes can be specified in multiple ways. Points are used for letterpress printing. In JIS Z size units of printing type , one point is determined to be 0. This is the size that is usually used. Q was used for photo typesetting. One Q is 0. It is very difficult to unify the unit sizes for character size specifications, because actual users prefer the unit to which they are accustomed.
In some companies, multiple types of unit are used together. 処理系にもよるが,文字サイズの指示には複数の単位が使用できる.書籍において,文字サイズの指示に使用されている単位としては,主にポイントと級(Q,q)がある.ポイントは,活字組版で使用されていた単位で,JIS Z (活字の基準寸法)では,1ポイントは0. Below are several examples of how the basic page format is created, and how then various elements are placed on a real text page.
Realm and position of headings. 見出し を配置する領域と位置. To set a heading, first establish a rectangular space based on a number of lines in the kihon-hanmen. Details of this processing are defined in JIS X , sec. The heading text is usually set in the centre of the rectangular space in the block direction , and indented from the line head.
The size of the indent is usually specified as a number of characters in the kihon-hanmen. See the example at Figure 見出しを配置する領域の 行送り方向 のサイズは,基本版面で設定した行の位置を元に,それの何行分を用いるかという方法で設計する(この処理方法については,JIS X の8. Details of the different types of heading, creation of headings, methods for placing headings, etc.
Size of illustrations. In horizontal writing mode with two columns, for example, the width of illustrations should, if at all possible, be either the width of one kihon-hanmen column or the width of the kihon-hanmen see Figure The illustrations are usually set at the head or the foot of the page see Figure 横組の段組,例えば2段組に図版を配置する場合,図版の左右サイズは,できるだけ基本版面で設計した1段の左右サイズ又は基本版面の左右サイズを基準に設計し,そのいずれかのサイズで配置できるときは,そのように決める( Figure 15 ).また,その位置は,多くは版面の 天 又は 地 にそろえて配置する( Figure 15 )..
Also, in vertical writing mode, for example with three columns, the height of illustrations should, if at all possible, be either the height of one kihon-hanmen column or the height of the kihon-hanmen see Figure The illustrations are usually set at the right side or left side of the kihon-hanmen see Figure 縦組でも,段組にする場合は,例えば,3段組の図版の天地サイズは,できるだけ基本版面で設計した1段若しくは2段の天地サイズ,又は基本版面の天地サイズを基準に設計し,そのいずれかのサイズで配置できるときは,そのように決める( Figure 16 ).また,その位置は,多くは版面の天又は地にそろえて配置する( Figure 16 )..
Hanmen size for the table of contents. The hanmen size for the table of contents of books is based on the size of the kihon-hanmen. There are many examples of tables of contents in vertical writing mode where the left-to-right size is identical to that of the kihon-hanmen, but the top-to-bottom size is a little bit smaller see Figure 書籍の目次の版面サイズは,基本版面のサイズを基準に設計する.例えば,縦組の目次では,左右の行送り方向のサイズは基本版面のサイズと同じにし,天地の字詰め方向のサイズは,やや小さくする例が多い( Figure 17 )..
There are cases when a different hanmen than the kihon-hanmen is used for positioning of running heads and page numbers. Japanese composition has two text directions. One is vertical direction vertical writing mode , the other is horizontal direction horizontal writing mode.
日本語組版における 組方向 は, 縦組 (縦書き)と 横組 (横書き)がある.. The following are major differences between vertical writing mode and horizontal writing mode. 縦組 と 横組 の主な相違点としては,次がある.. Arrangement of characters, lines, columns and pages ; direction of page progression. 文字,行, 段 及び ページ の 配置 ,並びに 綴じの方向 は,次のようになる.. Vertical writing mode. See Figure 20 for an example of vertical writing mode with two columns per page. 縦組の場合(2段組の例である Figure 20 ).
Characters are arranged from top to bottom, lines are arranged from right to left. Columns are arranged from top to bottom. A book starts with the left recto side and progresses from right to left see Figure 段 は上から下に,ページは表面から開始,右から左に配置する(左方向から右方向に本は開いていく, Figure 21 )..
Horizontal composition. See Figure 22 for an example of horizontal text layout with two-columns per page. 横組の場合(2段組の例である Figure 22 ). Characters are arranged from left to right, and lines are arranged from top to bottom.
Columns are arranged from left to right. A book starts with the right recto side and progresses from left to right see Figure 段 は左から右に,ページは表面から開始,左から右に配置する(右方向から左方向に本は開いていく, Figure 23 ).. 文中に挿入される 英数字の向き は,次のようになる.. There are three ways to arrange Latin alphanumerics in vertical writing mode:. 縦組 の場合は,次の3つの配置方法がある.. One by one with the same normal orientation as that of Japanese characters. This is usually applied to one-letter alphanumerics or capitalized abbreviations see Figure 和文文字 と同じように正常な向きで,1字1字配置する.主に1文字の英数字,大文字の頭字語( Figure 24 )など..
Rotated 90 degrees clockwise. This is usually applied to English words or sentences see Figure 文字を時計回りに90度回転し,配置する.主に英字の単語,文など( Figure 25 ).. Set horizontally without changing orientation called tate-chu-yoko , which means horizontal-in-vertical composition see Figure This is usually applied to two-digit numbers see JIS X , sec.
正常な向きのまま,横組にする( 縦中横 , Figure 26 ).主に2桁の数字の場合などで利用されている( 縦中横 の処理は,JIS X の4. In horizontal writing mode there is only one way of arranging alphanumerics, i. normal orientation. This processing is defined in JIS X , sec. 表,図版などを,サイズの関係から時計回り又は反時計回りに 90度回転して配置 する場合,次のようにする(この処理は,JIS X の7.
縦組の場合は,表,図版などの上側を右側にする( Figure 27 ).. 横組の場合は,表,図版などの上側を左側にする( Figure 28 ).. Arrangement of an incomplete number of lines on a multi-column format page due to new recto , page break or other reasons.
The processing of new recto and page break is defined in JIS X , sec. 改丁 ・ 改ページ などの直前ページ において, 段組 の行がページの途中で終わる場合は,次のようにする(改丁・改ページの処理は,JIS X の8. In vertical writing mode, just finish the line where it ends "nariyuki". The number of lines in each column is not uniform see Figure In horizontal writing mode, re-arrange columns so that each column has the same number of lines. In case the number of lines is not divisible by the number of columns , add the smallest number to make it divisible and re-arrange columns using the quotient as the number of lines so that only the last column shall have the incomplete number of lines see Figure 横組の場合は,各段の行数を平均にする.ただし,行数が 段数 で割り切れない場合,その不足する行数は,最終段の末尾を空けるようにする( Figure 30 )..
In Japanese composition, first the size of the kihon-hanmen is defined, using the square character frames of characters in solid setting. Taking this as a base, the position of the kihon-hanmen with regards to the trim size is then specified. The following are procedures for determining the size and position of the kihon-hanmen see Figure 日本語組版では,正方形の文字の 外枠 を ベタ組 にすることから,まず 基本版面 のサイズを設計し,そのうえで, 仕上りサイズ に対する基本版面の位置を決めている.そこで,基本版面は,次の手順で設定する( Figure 31 ).. For a document with a single column per page, specify the character size , the line length the number of characters per line , the number of lines per page, and the line gap.
For a document with multiple columns per page, specify the character size, the line length the number of characters per line , the number of lines per column, the line-gap, and the number of columns and the column gap. 多段組の場合は,文字サイズ,1行の行長(字詰め数),1段の行数,行間,段数及び 段間 を決める.. Determining the position of the kihon-hanmen relative to the trim size. 仕上りサイズに対する 基本版面の配置位置を決める .. There are various alternative methods for specifying the position of the kihon-hanmen relative to the trim size:.
Position vertically by centering the kihon-hanmen. Position horizontally by centering the kihon-hanmen. Position vertically by specifying the spacing size at the head for horizontal writing mode or the spacing at the foot for vertical writing mode.
天地位置: 天 の空き量(横組の場合)又は 地 の空き量(縦組の場合)を指定,左右位置:中央. Position horizontally by specifying the spacing size of the gutter. 天地位置:中央,左右位置: のど の空き量を指定. Position vertically by specifying the spacing at the head for horizontal writing mode or the spacing at the foot for vertical writing mode.
天地位置:天の空き量(横組の場合)又は地の空き量(縦組の場合)を指定,左右位置: のど の空き量を指定. The following are considerations to take into account when designing the kihon-hanmen. This topic is not about processing, but rather an explanation of design preferences. The definition of kihon-hanmen is given in JIS X , sec. 基本版面は,次のような事項を考慮し設計する(以下の説明は処理内容というよりは,どのように設計するかという問題についての解説である.なお,基本版面の指定については,JIS X の7. Trim size and margins. It would be best if the shape of the kihon-hanmen could be made similar to that of the trim size.
仕上りサイズ 及び余白を考慮して決定する.一般には,仕上りサイズと 基本版面のサイズ がほぼ相似形になるように決める.. Character size. Generally 9 point about 3. Except for specialized publications such as dictionaries, the minimum size of type is 8 point about 2.
Line length should be multiples of the character size see Figure Use the same amount of line gap throughout the book, except for special cases. The size of the kihon-hanmen in the block direction is specified using the number of lines and the size of the line-gap. 行と行の間の空き量( 行間 )は,特別な場合を除き,一定の値を確保する.また,各行の行の位置は,できるだけそろえるようにする.そこで,一般に 基本版面の行送り方向のサイズ は,行数と行間で設定する.. The size of the kihon-hanmen in this case can be calculated by following method:.
以上のように設定した 基本版面のサイズは,次のように計算 できる.. The various elements of a page should remain inside the boundaries of the kihon-hanmen. However, there are exceptions such as the following:.
それぞれのページに配置する各要素は, 基本版面 で設定した 版面 の内側に配置する.しかし,次のような例外がある.. Ruby or emphasis marks bousen , emphasis dots , etc. at the before edge of the hanmen, are placed outside the hanmen see Figure The same applies in cases where ruby, underline , etc.
appear beyond the after edge of the hanmen. Like the handling of exceptions mentioned below, the purpose here is to preserve the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen. This technique can also be used for reference marks associated with lines of text.
版面又は段の先頭に配置する行の右側(縦組)又は上側(横組)に ルビ , 傍線 , 圏点 などを付ける場合は,版面の領域の外側に接して配置する( Figure 37 ).版面の末尾に配置する行の左側(縦組)又は下側(横組)にルビ, 下線 などを付ける場合は,版面の領域の外側に接して配置する.次項を含め,このことは基本版面で設定した行の位置を確保するためである. 本文 中に 注 と参照するための 合印 を行間に配置する方法があるが,この場合も同様に扱う.. When there are inline elements whose dimensions extend beyond the before edge and the after edge of a line of characters as determined by the kihon-hanmen, and when those elements appear in the first or last line of the hanmen, the parts that jut out beyond the regular line of characters also jut out of the hanmen area.
For example, this is the case when the width of a sequence of characters which are set to tate-chu-yoko is wider than the characters set for the kihon-hanmen. In addition, warichu inline cutting note or subscript and superscript ornament characters are handled in the same way. The processing rules for this item and the previous item are defined in JIS X , sec. 版面の先頭又は末尾に配置する行に基本版面で設定した 行送り方向 の行の幅(基本版面で設定した文字サイズ)よりはみ出して配置する要素がある場合は,基本版面で設定した行送り方向の行の幅よりはみ出して配置する部分を,版面の領域の外側にはみ出して配置する(前項とこの項の処理は,JIS X の Line adjustment by hanging punctuation is only necessary for full stops cl and commas cl when they would otherwise need to be wrapped to the line head.
The character is placed so that it touches the hanmen at the line end see Figure Hanging punctuation is not defined in JIS X , but there is an explanation in sec. ぶら下げ組 とよばれる処理をした場合は, 行頭禁則 の処理を必要とする 句点類(cl) 及び 読点類(cl) に限り, 行末 の版面の領域の外側に接して配置する( Figure 38 ).なお,ぶら下げ組についてはJIS X に規定されていないが,同規格の解説8.
Illustrations and tables are normally placed inside the area defined by the kihon-hanmen. However, there may also be cases in which a particular illustration or table juts outside the kihon-hanmen.
図版 や 表 を各ページに配置する場合,一般に基本版面で設定した範囲内に配置する.しかし,配置する図版や表によっては,基本版面で設定した範囲をはみ出して配置する場合もある.. Cases in which it is necessary to make the illustration or table larger than the kihon-hanmen, because reducing its size would make it unreadable. For the sake of visual effect, the illustration may bleed into the complete paper area.
This is not often used in books, but is often used in magazines see Figure Magazines may place the captions of illustrations outside the column area or in the column gap.
Some people regard this as bad style. その他,図版の キャプション を段の領域の外側, 段間 に配置する方法も雑誌などでは行われている(この配置方法は体裁がよくないという意見もある).. In principle, pagewise positioning of lines relies on the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen. This holds for lines with ruby or emphasis dots as shown in Figure Even when lines contain characters that are smaller than the character size used for the kihon-hanmen as shown in Figure 40 , the line positions used for the kihon-hanmen continue to be used as the basic guide lines.
This is so that following lines with normal-sized characters still naturally fall into the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen. 各ページにおける 行の配置位置 は,基本版面で設定した行の位置に従うのが原則である.前掲した図( Figure 34 )のようにルビや圏点が付いた場合だけでなく,例えば,次の Figure 40 に示したように,行中の一部として基本版面で設定した 文字サイズ より 小さな文字が入る場合 でも,基本版面で設定した行の位置を基準に配置し,それに後続する行も基本版面で設定した行の位置にくるようにする.. ただし, 行の配置位置 については,次のような例外がある.. When inserting more than one illustration or table item in horizontal writing mode, assuming that there is no text to the left or right of the items, the items may either slip off the grid established for the kihon-hanmen see Figure 41 , or stick to the grid see Figure The former approach is used, whenever possible, to achieve an equal amount of space before and after illustrations or tables.
This method is often used in books. This processing method is defined in JIS X , sec. 横組で,図版や表の左右にテキストを配置しない方法とした場合,1ページに2つ以上の や表が挿入されたときは,基本版面で設定した行の位置からずれることがある( Figure 41 ).ただし,基本版面で設定した行の位置に配置する方法もある( Figure 42 ).前者の方法は,図版や表の前後の空き量をできるだけ均一にするという考え方による(この方法を採用している書籍が多い).この処理方法については,JIS X の The size of characters in endnotes inserted between paragraphs or those in footnotes at the bottom of the page in horizontal writing mode is smaller than the character size established for the kihon-hanmen.
As a result, the character size and line gap are also smaller, and so the line positions are no longer identical to those established for the kihon-hanmen. As an example, Figure 43 shows the position of an endnote between paragraphs in vertical writing mode. The processing of endnotes is defined in JIS X , sec. 段落 間に挿入される 後注 及び横組でページの下端に挿入される 脚注 は,基本版面で設定した文字サイズよりは小さくする.これに伴い 行間 も狭くするので,基本版面で設定した行の位置とはそろわない.例えば,縦組において,段落の間に入る後注の配置位置の例を Figure 43 に示す.なお,後注の組版処理については,JIS X の9.
As mentioned above, the position of a heading may not be identical to the lines established for the kihon-hanmen. Nevertheless, in the block direction , headings base their alignment on the line positions established for the kihon-hanmen see Figure 見出し は,前述したように必ずしも基本版面で設定した行の位置とはそろわないことがある.しかし,その行送り方向に占める領域は,基本版面で設定した行を基準に設計する( Figure 14 ).. In principle, the characters in each line follow the solid setting positions of characters established for the kihon-hanmen.
However, as already shown in some of the previous figures, there are examples where this is not the case. Line Composition 行の組版処理 で解説する).. When 9pt is the character size used to establish the kihon-hanmen, characters smaller than 9pt may be inserted in part of a line see Figure In such cases, the parts set at 9pt and any parts set at a smaller, say, 8pt size both use solid setting, with character frames at the respective sizes for each part.
行中の一部として基本版面で設定した9ポより 小さな文字 が挿入される Figure 40 の場合である.この場合は,原則として,基本版面で設定した9ポの部分は9ポの文字の 外枠 に従いベタ組にするとともに,小さくした8ポの部分は,小さくした8ポの文字の外枠に従いベタ組にする.. In cases where proportional Latin letters are rotated 90 degrees clockwise see Figure 25 , the proportional letters are placed according to their proportional widths. Hence, they do not fit to the character positions established for the kihon-hanmen see Figure Japanese letters following the Latin letters consequently slip away from the default positions as well.
行中に プロポーショナル の欧字 を Figure 25 のように,文字を時計回りに90度回転して配置する場合は,プロポーショナルの欧字は,その 字幅 に応じて配置するので,基本版面で設定した文字位置とはそろわなくなる( Figure 44 ).欧字の後ろに連続する和文の配置位置もずれてくる.. In cases where the indentation of the first line of a paragraph is a one em space , or if the tentsuki position is used for the bracket that is, there is no space at the line head , the character following the bracket will be in a position which does not fit to the character positions established for the kihon-hanmen, due to the bracket being first reduced in width by half an em by default see Figure However, the adaptations made during the alignment of line ends will ensure that the character at the end of a line is at a position that fits with the kihon-hanmen.
Line Composition 行の組版処理 explains that full stops cl , commas cl , opening brackets cl and closing brackets cl are half-width. If these punctuation marks and brackets are adjacent to ideographic cl , katakana cl or hiragana cl characters, in principle there should be half em spacing before or after the punctuation mark or brackets, so that these occupy in effect a full-width size.
However, if they are adjacent to other punctuation marks or brackets, the half em spacing is not added. This is done to improve the visual appearance. In such cases, the character positions are different than the positions established when defining the kihon-hanmen see Figure Line Composition 行の組版処理 で解説するように 句点類(cl) , 読点類(cl) , 始め括弧類(cl) 及び 終わり括弧類(cl) の字幅は 半角 であるが,これらの 約物 が 漢字等(cl) , 片仮名(cl) 又は 平仮名(cl) と 連続する場合 は,原則として,それぞれの約物の前又は後ろに 二分アキ をとることで,結果として全角というサイズにする.しかし, 句点類(cl) , 読点類(cl) , 始め括弧類(cl) 及び/又は 終わり括弧類(cl) が連続する場合は,二分アキをとらない箇所があり,このケースでは基本版面で設定した文字位置にそろわないことになる( Figure 46 ).これは,見た目の体裁をよくするためである..
Line Composition 行の組版処理 explains the principle that closing brackets cl , full stops cl and commas cl should not be placed at the line head. If by simple sequential placement these characters would appear at the line head or at the line end, some kind of adjustment becomes necessary. A similar adjustment is required for characters that should not be placed at the end of a line, such as opening brackets cl As a result of such adjustment, it may happen that other characters are placed at positions which are different from those established for the kihon-hanmen.
Line Composition 行の組版処理 で解説するように 終わり括弧類(cl) , 句点類(cl) 及び 読点類(cl) を行頭に配置してはならないという規則( 行頭禁則 という),並びに 始め括弧類(cl) を行末に配置してはならないという規則( 行末禁則 )がある.これらが行頭又は行末にくる場合は,なんらかの調整が必要になる.その調整処理のために基本版面で設定した文字位置にそろわない場合が出てくる.. In principle, positions of running heads and page numbers should be specified relative to the kihon-hanmen , not with absolute coordinates in the trim size. Positioning of running heads is defined in JIS X , sec. Positioning of page numbers is defined in JIS X , sec.
柱及びノンブルの位置 は,一般に 仕上りサイズ に対する絶対的な位置関係ではなく, 基本版面 との相対的な位置関係で設定する(柱の配置については,JIS X の7. Positioning a horizontal running head above the top left corner to head and fore-edge of the kihon-hanmen in a typical vertically set book see Figure 縦組の書籍で 天 ・ 小口 寄りに柱を横組にして配置した場合の例( Figure 50 ). 基本版面との左右方向の空き量( 入り ともいう)は9ポイント(9ポアキ).
The following recommendations should be taken into account when positioning running heads and page numbers with reference to the kihon-hanmen. 柱及びノンブルの基本版面との位置関係 では,次のような点に注意する.. When positioning horizontal running heads and page numbers with reference to the kihon-hanmen in vertically set books, the amount of vertical space between the edge of the kihon-hanmen and the running head is a one em space as established for the kihon-hanmen.
If the kihon-hanmen of the book is horizontally set, take more vertical space than the character size in the kihon-hanmen. 縦組の書籍においてノンブル又は柱を横組にして配置する場合は,基本版面との上下方向の最低の空き量を,基本版面の 文字サイズ の 全角アキ とする.横組の書籍の場合は,同じ 組方向 となるので,基本版面の文字サイズよりやや大きくする.. Regardless of the direction of text in the kihon-hanmen of a book, horizontal running heads and page numbers on the left page should be aligned either at the left edge of the kihon-hanmen or one em space to the right of the left edge.
On the right page, the tail of the running heads or page numbers should be aligned either at the right edge of the kihon-hanmen or one full-width space to left of the right edge. Regardless of the writing direction of the text in a book, when arranging running heads and page numbers together on the same horizontal line such as positioning the running head immediately adjacent to the page number at the left side on left pages , the space between the running head and the page number should either be double or one and a half times the character size embox size of the running head.
On left-hand pages, the page number should be set on the left side, and the running head should be set on the right side. On right-hand pages, the page number should be set on the right side and the running head should be set on the left side.
The exact positions of the page numbers are given in the instructions above see b. When positioning running heads and page numbers vertically to the fore-edge of the kihon-hanmen in a vertically set book see spread e in Figure 48 , for example , the minimum horizontal distance from the kihon-hanmen should be the same as that of the line gap of the kihon-hanmen.
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